Copilot of your change
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. This African proverb sums up the raison d’être of a Senior Management Coaching process. In order for there to be a true change, that is, a transformation, it must be profound. And that requires leaving our comfort zone, being open to reconsidering our certainties and being brave enough to discover ourselves and question what we have learned, and even stop competing -unconsciously- with ourselves. The path of Leadership development is the path of self-awareness, and it takes a lot more than the will to just go for it.
The change of attitude and openness that precede any change is not easy and requires humility, confidence and perseverance. From my own experience, I know that making the commitment to change not only to become a leader but, above all, to live a better life, ends up being very liberating and rewarding. It’s the first step in a vital journey that, with the right guidance, is likely to end up transforming the culture of an entire organisation. The power of influence of those who are at the top of the hierarchy is very great, something which requires a very high level of awareness and responsibility for the impact they have on others.
But I also know that, along the way, there are stones, bends, vertigo-defying altitude changes and routes where you need a map to avoid getting lost. That’s why the figure of the co-pilot seems an appropriate way to explain how a coach can point out and suggest the path so that the person leading the change doesn’t get sidetracked or lost and is able to reach their destination.
Coaches have different profiles. Mine is that of a person who has previously been behind the wheel as a senior manager, something that allows me to fully understand the situation in which my travel companion finds themselves, the factors that condition how they carry out their activity, their actions and reactions. That’s why I feel very fulfilled and connected to my purpose by being able to share my experience and use it to help people to stop seeing change as a threat or imposition and let themselves go with it.
For me, making them feel safe enough to leave any resistance behind is essential so that, together, we can undertake a transformative adventure where mistakes are seen as part of the process, combining hard skills and soft skills, we will try new methodologies, understand the benefit of the doubt and stop seeing disagreement as a personal threat. And we will do all of this based on fluid and continuous communication, where the role will give way to the person and trust will gradually overcome the fear of failing, disappointing or not meeting expectations. To lead, at last, from a healthier and more balanced place for everyone.